Posted on July 31 2015

UPDATE: Quad-Hazard® is now a registered trademark of Tingley Rubber Corporation.
Many people in the industry are familiar with the term dual-hazard protection, which is quickly becoming recognized as a product that offers protection in both arc flash and flash fire situations. Although products that protect against both of these hazards have existed for years, Tingley Rubber Corp. now offers a quad-hazard product that elevates the competition. Tingley Rubber’s Quad-Hazard® product represents a new level in safety that not only offers protection in arc flash and flash fire situations but also offers ANSI 107-compliant and high-visibility protection. The product also provides liquid proof protection for certain chemical splashes and other applications.
Due to its liquid proof protection, Quad-Hazard products would be classified as rainwear. While often confused with clothing standards, rainwear has its own arc flash (ASTM F1891) and flash fire (ASTM F2733) standards that utilize the same primary test methods and require similar performance as flame-resistant (FR) clothing standards.
The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 70E specifically addresses rainwear, and states in order to comply with NFPA 70E, rainwear must meet the ASTM F1891 standard. Since this is an area that often causes a tremendous amount of confusion for safety professionals, ASTM F1891 is the rainwear equivalent to ASTM F1506 for clothing. Additionally, ASTM F2733 is the equivalent to NFPA 2112 for clothing. If clothing meets either of those two standards, then rainwear or liquid proof outerwear should meet the corresponding ASTM F1891 or ASTM F2733 standard.
ANSI 107 is the standard for high-visibility safety apparel, which is required by federal law in the manual on uniform traffic control devices for anyone working on or alongside any roadway in the country. It cites both ASTM F1891 and ASTM F2733 standards as compliant with the optional flame-resistance component of the standard.
Although common for road construction, ANSI 107-compliant, high-visibility safety apparel is becoming more widely adopted in all industries as many companies see the benefit of protecting workers from moving equipment, ranging from fork lifts to front-end loaders.
For years, combining high-visibility features with flame resistance was a challenge for manufacturers, and a limited number of products existed in the marketplace to serve this need. Those products that existed were often very expensive and offered only a few of the elements offered by a Quad-Hazard product. Tingley Rubber’s new product combines optimal protection with affordability to bring the client what he really needs.
The fourth component of Quad-Hazard protection is the liquid proof safety. While often overlooked, chemical burns are a hazard in many industries where workers are also exposed to flash fire risks along with moving equipment. Not only does the liquid proof protection shield workers in certain chemical splash situations, but it also keeps workers dry in the rain. Furthermore, the chemical resistance will help to prolong the life of the product.
With the market demand growing, a new generation of products is being developed that not only offers high visibility, and arc and flash fire protection but is also excellent at chemical resistance at much more affordable prices. For occupations in the oil, gas and petrochemical markets, along with the gas utility markets, Quad-Hazard protection is an ideal way to improve worker safety and manage compliance with one affordable garment.
Tingley Rubber Corp. is a leading supplier of waterproof protective footwear and clothing products, along with the Job Sight™ line of high-visibility safety apparel and Job Sight FR™ flame-resistant products. Generations of workers have trusted Tingley Rubber for quality and performance since 1896.
Originally appeared in E-Hazard magazine, November 2014.
Written By: BRIAN NUTT, Senior Product Manager, Tingley Rubber Corp.